Mental Health

The Challenges and Rewards of Caregiving 

  • Elderly woman with female caregiver

Sometimes a caregiving situation is short-lived, for instance when an injury or illness heals quickly. At other times, caregiving can last for years, or even decades.  No two caregiving journeys are exactly the same. Caregiving challenges can include:  Sleep deprivation.   Having a living space that is cluttered with medical equipment.  Being obliged to take someone else’s special diet into consideration at every meal.   Being responsible […]

Suicide – How long does the crisis last?  

  • Man sitting and watching the sky

A 2007 study involving interviews with 153 attempt survivors revealed that most suicidal crises are short-lived. Participants were asked how long they thought about suicide before making their attempt. The results were:   Less than 5 minutes: 24%  5 to 19 minutes: 24%  2-8 hours: 16%  1 or more days: 13%   Another […]

Is My Teen Clinically Depressed?

  • Teen sitting with hand on her head looking down

Teens are famous for having moods that go up and down. When the “downs” become the norm, however, parents need to ask themselves: “Is this a normal mood swing? Or is it clinical depression?”  Symptoms of depression include: Sadness Irritability An abnormal decline in school performance Losing interest in activities […]

Caregiving During the Holidays

  • Woman sitting on park bench with elderly mother

While every caregiving situation is unique, there are some things most of them have in common. One of these things is the need to make compromises during the holidays. Exactly which compromises have to be made, however, varies according to the situation.  The Age of the Caregiver  According to an […]

What to Expect- Bringing a Loved One Home after a Suicide Attempt 

  • Woman sitting and holding someone's hand

When you take a loved one to the ER after a suicide attempt, the visit is extremely stressful but it can also be a relief. As long as you’re at the ER someone else is in charge. While you’re there, once the physical crisis is over, you know that your loved one is safe.  When it’s time to take them […]

Mental Health Key to Managing Child Obesity

With one in five children suffering from obesity, it’s important for parents to know how much weight is too much for teens and children. It’s also important to know when a teen or child is NOT obese. To help with this, the CDC has developed an online Body Mass Index […]

Winter Pattern Season Affective Disorder

December 21 is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. On Dec 22, daylight will last just a little bit longer. The trend will continue until June 20, the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year. During this time of year, some people suffer from a […]